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Board Meeting Minutes  April 11 24

Quincy Fire Protection District

Board of Directors

Meeting April  11, 2024

Feather Publishing Co. Board Room

287 Lawrence St. Quincy, CA 95971


I.      Call to Order:

a)   Chairman Mike Taborski, called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. with Vice-Chairman Johnny Mansell, Treasurer Andrew Ryback, Fire Chief Frank Carey, and Administrative Secretary Karrie White.

Public Comment:  None

 II.      Approval of March 14, 2024, Meeting Minutes:

    a)    Chairman Taborski asked if the minutes were reviewed by the board members; Ryback made a motion to approve the minutes with Vice-Chairman Mansell seconding the motion, motion was approved.

III.  Financial Committee Report:

     a)    Ryback: Karrie has provided banking reconciliations for both accounts. A large expense for LP insurance for $23,948.00 from the Operating account, from the Money Market account the disbursement check for Folsom Chevrolet for the command vehicle.

     b)   Ryback: Transfer of funds from the money market into the operating checking account of $50,000.00 for expenses.

     c)    Claims were presented and signed.

IV.  Committee Business, Discussion, and Actions:

     1)    Discussion and possible actions on the Policy and Procedure Manual

Karrie said completed chapter one of the P&P manual. Chief Frank has reviewed and signed off.   Mansell asked how many chapters, there are twelve.

      2)  Discussion and possible actions; VOIP (Voice Operating Internet Protocol)

Karrie asked if the board had a chance to review the proposed PowerPoint presentation provided by the company. The board committee discussed the options provided and Ryback made a motion to approve the Vonage VoIP system, Mansell seconded the motion, motion was approved.

 V.  Fire Chief Report: Frank Carey:

     a)    We had a total of 23 EMS, 5 fire, 1 mutual aide, and 2 hazmat for a total of 31 calls last month with an average firefighter call attendance of 5.68.

     b)    Fire Academy started last Saturday, April 6, we have 14 students 8 from Quincy. Beckwourth, Meadow Valley, Sierra County, and Indian Valley had volunteers participating this year.

     c)     The District’s new SCBAs are in service now in all the vehicles, I am donating to Meadow Valley our Scotts SCBAs, the cylinders have a 5-year life and are still good which will give them time to apply for a grant.

     d)    The Plumas County Library has provided me with the engineering plans for the new fire alarm system. I reviewed them spoke with the electrician, and sent them to the head of facilities they are moving forward with Al Vaughn from Current Electric and Alarm. They took the plans to the Board of Supervisors for approval at their Tuesday meeting. All of the County facilities have up-to-date working fire alarm systems.

     e)     The new Plumas County jail is almost complete and they will be turning it over to the County on May 17. I performed radio testing inside the entire building, supply rooms, cells, etc. calling test pagers to confirm they were working in each area and spoke with Mike Grant and informed him that radio communication inside the whole building was working. In the old, one you would have to step outside to radio a call for support or cancel.

     f)      Quincy Provisions has set up a meet and greet on Friday, June 21, from 3-7 p.m. Not only for our fire department but for others. We are shutting down the street access and there will be other vendors participating.

VI.   Fire Chief Carey Fire Drill:

     a)  On 4/ 9/24 we did SCBAs with all the new MSAs putting them together, turning them on, and getting familiar with the new packs.

     b)  On 4/16/24 we did our rescue drill on firefighter survival skills.

     c)  On 4/23/24 we had our fire drill on extra training on academy drills.

     d)  On 4/30/24 we had our maintenance drill.

      c)  On 4/12/24 we are having a dinner at the fire hall for Quincy Rotary Club. Our volunteers are cooking for them.

VII.   Other District Business, Discussion, and Actions:

   1)  Fire Station 2 replacement: Chief Carey

     a)    Chopper has been hard at work getting quotes on metal buildings, sizes, and pricing. The first quote is a 50x60x15 for $44,000 delivered and installed, galvanized steel tubular construction with no I beam. Snow load is 60-80 lbs per square foot this one is the low-end price.

The second one is the same size, with an I beam, red iron, choice of color, and a gable roof for $75,000. It has a snow load of 60-80 lbs price includes delivery and installation. Chopper is pricing spray insulation which is not included in these two options.

The third option is the same size for $124,000. It comes fully insulated with delivery and installation. Wilburn Construction gave a verbal price quote of $30,000.

The committee discussed the cost of demolition, the cement pad, and extra building requirements which are not included in the metal building prices.

The board would like an idea of when the project will move forward along with the total cost of rebuilding Station 2 for consideration at the next board meeting.

2)    Discussion, and possible action regarding the progress of the LaPorte facility project:

       a)  No updates at this time

Ryback made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Mansell seconded the motion, motion was approved.

The Meeting was adjourned by Chairman Taborski at 8:44 a.m.


Submitted:  _________________________             ____________

                      Chairman Taborski                      Date            



Public Participation is encouraged. In compliance with Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec 12132) and in compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, if you need special assistance to enable you to attend and participate in this meeting or if you need the agenda or related materials in an alternative format please contact the Administrative Secretary at 530-283-0870 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.