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Board Meeting Minutes May 23, 2024

Quincy Fire Protection District

Board of Directors

Meeting May 23, 2024

Feather Publishing Co. Board Room

287 Lawrence St. Quincy, CA 95971


I.      Call to Order:

     a)    Chairman Mike Taborski, called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. with Vice-Chairman Johnny Mansell, Treasurer Andrew Ryback, Fire Chief Frank Carey, and Administrative Secretary Karrie White.

Public Comment:  None

 ll.    Approval of April 11, 2024, Meeting Minutes:

    a)    Chairman Taborski asked if the minutes were reviewed by the board members; Ryback made a motion to approve the minutes with Vice-Chairman Mansell seconding the motion, motion was approved.

III. Financial Committee Report:

   a)    Ryback: Karrie has provided the financials and reconciliations on all the accounts. Cash balance is at $ 2.3 million, and the profit & loss statement shows income primarily from interest with a net loss of $30,283.82.

   b)   Ryback: Transfer of funds from the money market into the operating checking account of $50,000.00 for expenses.

IV. Committee Business, Discussion, and Actions:

   1) Discussion and possible actions on the Policy and Procedure Manual

Karrie said there were no updates at this time

   2) Discussion and possible actions: Purchase of Type-6 Response Vehicle

   a)  Chief Carey explained that Captain Matt West said there was a CAL-Fire grant that goes out every six months to put skids on the back of vehicles to securely hold water tanks. The Chief is proposing to purchase a Type-6 vehicle that can carry a water tank on the skids to respond to incidents for an even faster response for those firefighters not yet licensed to drive the fire engines but reporting to incidents at Station 1 perhaps waiting for a fully licensed driver. Since the department was already looking for a pickup with a plow for snow removal, he also proposed equipping this Type-6 with a snowplow.

The board members discussed the grant from CAL-Fire for the vehicle skid equipment along with the details about the vehicle being considered for purchase. The Chief has located a 2000 Ford F-250 four-wheel drive pickup with 300,000 miles, power stroke diesel, and a rebuilt transmission for $10,000.

After a brief discussion on rising insurance prices, they directed the Chief to look carefully for any surplus vehicles we own but don't use or need. They discussed removing the seldom-used wildland engine 8153 from inventory and returning it to the Forest Service.

Andy Ryback made a motion to approve the purchase of the Type-6 vehicle, with Mansell seconding the motion, motion carried.

3)   Discussion and possible actions: Preliminary Budget:

Karrie asked if the board had any questions regarding the 4-year analysis of the proposed budget with the new FY24/25 preliminary budget. Ryback questioned the amounts received from the special assessments in the previous years in comparison.

Karrie explained that she did not update the spreadsheet's actual apportionment for FY 22/23. She received $331,443.50 and it was posted on March 2024. She would update the spreadsheet with the current apportionment for FY22/23. Ryback expects to see an updated spreadsheet with the current tax apportionments at the next board meeting.

Ryback made a motion to approve the preliminary budget, Vice Chairman Mansell seconded the motion, motion was approved.

4)  Discussion and possible actions: Biennial & Conflict of Interest Code Resolution 2024-0523-1

Karrie said the local biennial notice disclosure is required and is essential to monitor officials that might have any conflicts of interest and to ensure public trust. This review is conducted by the Plumas County Council and reviews the conflict-of­ interest disclosure information filed annually on Form 700 by the officers and employees of the fire district who make and participate in decisions.

Ryback made a motion to approve Resolution 2024-0523-1 Mansell seconded the motion. The motion was approved by the following vote:

AYES: Board Members; Taborski, Mansell, Ryback

NOES: None



V. Fire Chief Report: Frank Carey:

     a)  We had a total of 40 EMS, 7 fire, and 2 hazmat for a total of 49 calls last month with an average firefighter call attendance of 5.67.

     b ) Last week the volunteers participated in the Every 15-minute Program at Quincy High School. Firefighter Munoz had Engine 8151 there with firefighters Will Rich, Oliver Litchfield, Amy Weaver, and Jason Ackley. Firefighter Chase Hume was there with Engine 8124 with firefighter Nathan Schmid. These are our younger firefighters who attend Quincy High School. I participated as the Grim Reaper.

Because three students were working the crash scene, two teachers contacted me regarding their interest in joining the fire department so I took advantage of the opportunity and did some recruiting speaking with students in four classrooms.

     c)  Quincy Volunteer Fire participated in a dodgeball tournament. The first game was against the Plumas County Sheriffs Department we won. We also beat the Feather River College baseball team. We received a nice trophy for participating which is on display upstairs at Station 1.

     d) The Quincy Fire Academy went well. We had a total of 15 students with eight from our department. We have in place a mentorship program with Quincy High School and Litchfield mentors one student who attended the academy training and also participates in our fire training drills.

     e)  Plumas County Library's new fire alarm system is in the works. I will be following up with Current Electric to schedule an inspection and do the necessary testing for the fire alarm system's operation. Taborski asked if there was a time frame for its completion since it is a public building. Chief said he gave them two months once the plans were approved.

Ryback asked how's the plans were going for the West End Theater's emergency exit door and if there were any issues. Chief said he saw the plans yesterday for the exit door and said the Planning Department has reviewed the engineers' plans and issued the building permit.

     f)  The Plumas County races have begun again. We are receiving $300 for each race with Engine 8151 there on standby along with Mighty Mouse and 9 volunteers.

VI.  Fire Chief Carey Fire Drill:

     a)  On 5/7/24 we had the officers meeting.

     b)  On 5/14/24 wildland 10s/18s, LRC, and WUI Captain Matt West along with Forest Service personnel instructed wildland firefighting training and expectations.

     c)  On 5/21/24 Pig Rig, Zig Rig, and Knots with Deputy Chief David Schmid.

     d) On 5/28/24 we had another wildland field training day with the Forest Service and Captain West.

    e)  We have a Fire Chiefs Association meeting coming up on June 1, 2024. Taborski asked who is currently president of the association and Carey said that Deputy Chief David Schmid was elected as president with Assistant Chief Dale Ready as its treasurer. 

     f)  I spoke with Sierra Electronics regarding the lighting for the new command vehicle. I was told the parts are in and we are just waiting on shop time. The original quote was $8,500, but this has dropped to $7,500 since we already have the radios and the radio heads.

    g)  I finished up on the annual 50/50 Grant and submitted it Monday and am waiting to hear back from them. Taborski asked what the grant was for, and Carey said it could be used for both structure and wildland firefighting equipment. I have about 18 items on the list that meet the requirements for this grant funding. 

Mansell asked about the transition from gas to electrical chainsaws with the new requirements as of January 1, 2024. Carey said he wanted to wait to make sure the battery-operated ones had sufficient power. After speaking with Andy Feinblum at Sierra Cycle and seeing them in operation I was impressed so I included some electric-powered saws in this grant.

VII.     Fire Chief Inspection Report:

     a)  I inspected Sierra Pacific Industries' dry kiln fire sprinkler system which is up and running. This is a dry air system and in the drip test performance must reach the endpoint in under 60 seconds. When we tested the system it took only 39 seconds.

Other District Business, Discussion, and Actions:

 1) Fire Station 2 replacement: Chief Carey:

    a)  No update at this time, Ryback summed up the last meeting prices on the metal buildings and other incidental costs to install the building, Carey said he was still waiting to hear back from the station replacement committee with their completed information. He added that they would like to keep the Station 2 location with a new building. 

VII)  Discussion, and possible action regarding the progress of the LaPorte facility project:

     a)  Taborski asked if there were any updates on the LaPorte site. Mansell said Planning Director Tracy Ferguson emailed him with an update that said the County Council has provided information and direction on moving forward with the surplus land process. The next step is to take the request from Quincy Fire Protection District and the information from the County Council to the Board of Supervisors. Mansell and Carey are on the supervisors' agenda on June 18, 2024.

Taborski made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Mansell seconded the motion, motion was approved.

     The Meeting was adjourned by Chairman Taborski at 8:56 a.m.

          Submitted: Michael Taborski            6/13/24

              Chairman Taborski                                   Date