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Board Meeting Minutes  July 11 2024

Quincy Fire Protection District

Board of Directors Meeting 

July 11, 2024- 08:00 AM

Feather Publishing Co. Board Room

287 Lawrence St. Quincy, CA 95971

I.      Call to Order:

     a)    Chairman Mike Taborski called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. with Vice-Chairman Johnny Mansell, Treasurer Andrew Ryback, Fire Chief Frank Carey, and Administrative Secretary Karrie White in attendance.

Public Comment:  None

 II.      Approval of June 13, 2024, Meeting Minutes:

     a)     Chairman Taborski asked if the minutes were reviewed by the board members; Vice-Chairman Mansell made a motion to approve the minutes with Treasurer Ryback seconding the motion, motion was approved.

III.  Financial Committee Report:

     a)     Ryback: Karrie has provided you with the financials and reconciliations of both bank accounts with $2.5 million in cash, $16,000.00 at the end of June listed with the county. The operating account is down to about $30,000.00. Ryback asked Karrie about a transaction posted to the checking account, it is the U.S. Bank Calcard account.

The money market account is earning 3%, the two CDs 11-month both earning 4% at an increase of interest of $7,523.73. FEMA  grant of $10,940.71 for a total of $18,464.44 in revenue. Expenses were slightly higher with a $9,000.00 loss for the month.

Ryback asked Karrie for U.S. Bank details to be emailed to all board members as part of the financials along with a Profit and Loss by month for the Fiscal Year. Karrie said the district has an upcoming extra-large expense of $34,000.00 for the annual workman’s compensation we will need that amount transferred to the operating account.

     b)   Ryback: The transfer of funds from the money market into the operating checking account was $75,000.

IV.  Committee Business, Discussion, and Actions:

1)    Discussion and possible actions on the Policy and Procedure Manual

      Karrie reported there were no new updates at this time.

2)  Discussion and possible actions: Resolution 2024-0711-3 Establish Appropriations Limit for FY 24/25, and 2024-0711-2 Requesting collections of charges on Tax Roll.

     a)   Taborski, we have a couple of resolutions that we need to adopt, have you had a chance to review resolutions 2024-0711-2 and 2024-0711-3 with the calculations from the State for the appropriation limits? Ryback asked if this reflected the increase the District did last year.

 Karrie said no the State of California sets the limits for Prop 4 spending based on the population percent and the appropriation limit per county, ours is at $700,372.00 which we are under the limit.

 Taborski made a motion to approve Resolution 2024-0711-3  regarding the establishment of an appropriation limit for FY 24/25, and Resolution 2024-0711-2 for the collection of charges on the county tax roll. Mansell seconded the motion. The motion was approved by the following vote:

     AYES: Board Members; Taborski, Mansell, Ryback

     NOES: None

     ABSENT: None

     ABSTAIN: None

 V.  Fire Chief Report: Frank Carey:

We had a total of 40 calls for the month: 34 EMS, 5 fire, no mutual aide, and 1 hazmat with an average firefighter call attendance of 4.78. Ryback asked if the fire department had more than calls during the music festival. No, it was busy with locals the music festival is pretty much self-contained with a medical tent staffed with doctors, nurses, and paramedics.

     a)   Quincy Inc. received a large donation from Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship for standby of $1,300.00. Quincy Volunteer firefighters cooked for the Rotary dinner, and we received $500.00. Plumas County races $300.00 for 8151 standby.

     b)    Our first Summer Solstice went well we sold about 30 T-shirts and a few street signs we did a reorder to prepare for the pancake breakfast.

     c)     Charlie Read, an important member of our fire department, has passed away. We are having his memorial at the Plumas County fairgrounds once the fair is over in August to do a military fire department service.

     d)    The Pancake Breakfast event is this Friday, July 27, 2024 Chairman Taborski and Treasurer Ryback are unavailable to participate. Vice-Chairman Mansell will be representing the board of commissioners cooking.

     e)     Chief Carey said 8177 the new type 6 engine will be in service next week, Karrie has finished the DMV paperwork with tax-exempt plates, Chopper is finishing up the stickers we received from Wildhare signs, and lights and sirens are installed.

Captain Matt West and firefighter Logan Krahenbuhl both on the fire safe council and the fire-wise committee Matt informed me of another grant Logan will be applying for one this month and the other in September to help fund the installation of the skid on 8177.

     f)      Mansell asked Chief Carey about the Fire Safe Counsel which has funds for their projects if there is any collaboration for when they contact us for our water tenders or wildland engine to be on standby for safety measures. Is there an opportunity to get paid for this, Chief Carey said I will look into that.

     g)    We took 8124 out for the Graeagle parade and fireworks, Meadow Valley Parade, and pancake breakfast.

     h)    Taborski asked Chief Carey about the Cal-Fire Forest Service wildland engine status. Chief Carey said Matt is working on that, there is a form that needs to be filled out that we give to Cal-Fire so it is in the works.

VI.   Fire Chief Carey Fire Drills:

The officers are working on the 6-month training schedule it is not completed yet.

     a)  On 7/2/24:  Officer’s meeting to go over monthly training, corporate financials, and upcoming events.

     b)  On 7/9/24: Wildland tools sharpening and shelter deployment with Captain Matt West.

VII.   Fire Chief Inspection Report: Fire Chief Carey

     a)  Plumas County Library, Current Electric plan for the library's new fire alarm system is approved by the building department, and installation is starting next week. I will be checking in on him.

     b)  Feather River College update Current Electric will be starting the new fire alarm system at the beginning of August after he finishes with the Plumas County Library. 

 VIII.  Other District Business, Discussion, and Actions:

    1)  Fire Station 2 replacement: Chief Carey

        a)   Chief Carey said no, we are in communication with the Modern Building Company that we met with. Ryback said the targeting time for installation is eight months from now in spring.

2)  Discussion, and possible action regarding the progress of the LaPorte facility project:

      a)  Chief Frank and Mansell said we met with the Board of Supervisors and the Supervisors gave direction and approval of resources for the County Council and the Planning Department to do what is necessary with the Surplus Land Act so we can acquire the property. Now we are waiting for the County to go through their process. An estimate of starting next spring, getting a tank, Dickens Drilling, etc.

VIII. Closed Session:

      a)  Annual wage increase

            No actions taken at this time.                      

Ryback made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Mansell seconded the motion, motion was approved.

The Meeting was adjourned by Chairman Taborski at 8:41 a.m.

Submitted:  _________________________             ____________

                      Chairman Taborski                      Date            


Public Participation is encouraged. In compliance with Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec 12132) and in compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, if you need special assistance to enable you to attend and participate in this meeting or if you need the agenda or related materials in an alternative format please contact the Administrative Secretary at 530-283-0870 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.