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Board Agenda July 11 2024

Quincy Fire Protection District

Board of Commissioners     Meeting Agenda

July 11, 2024- 08:00 AM

Feather Publishing Co. Board Room

287 Lawrence St. Quincy, CA 95971

Any Item on the agenda may be taken up at any time in any order. Public comments are limited to 4 minutes any item longer will be placed on the next agenda for public discussion

 1)    Call to order (Chairman)

2)    Public comments:

3)    Approval of June 13, 2024, meeting minutes

4)    Financial Committee Reports; ( Treasurer Ryback)

  •  Financials
  •  Financial Transfer
  • Review and sign claims

5)    Committee Business, Discussion, and Actions:

     1.    Discussion and possible actions; Policy and Procedure manual.

     2.    Resolution 2024-0711-3 Establish Appropriation Limit for FY 24/25.

     3.    Resolution 2024-0711-2 Requesting collections of charges on Tax Roll.

6)    Fire Chiefs Report (Chief Carey)

7)    Other District Business, discussion, and actions:

      1.     Fire Station 2 replacement:

      2.     Discussion and possible actions regarding the progress of the LaPorte facility project

8)    Closed Session

  •   Annual wage increase

9)    Adjournment:

Public Participation is encouraged. In compliance with Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec 12132) and in compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, if you need special assistance to enable you to attend and participate in this meeting or if you need the agenda or related materials in an alternative format please contact the Administrative Secretary at 530-283-0870 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.